Genetic Biohacking
Consider your genetics
Your genes make all the systems in your body function. They are constantly helping your body rebuild, renew, regenerate, repair and renovate every cell in your DNA. They’re working constantly, every moment of your life. Your health really comes down to the health of each and everyone of your cells. Your cells build tissue, tissues build organs, organs support the body’s systems and the body’s systems is what supports us physiologically. Supporting your unique biochemistry at the cellular level is foundational health.
Genetic information is utilized to explore your personal biochemistry and illustrates how your body is expressing itself. We will explore your epigenetic factors: how your environment and life choices impact your genes. We will explore your nutrigenomics factors: the relationship with your diet and how it influences your genetic expression. The interconnection between your life, your experiences and your health is critical to understand, but most importantly: Your genetics do not dictate your health, nor do they determine the future of your well-being. You have a tremendous amount of control as to how your genes are expressed; it is all about your choices and intentions.
Reach Your Genetic Potential
Our bodies have an innate ability to heal and regenerate; this is a blessing. But issues like environmental contaminants, poor quality sleep, dietary insufficiencies, stress, medications, and inflammation can create an imbalance in homeostasis. This disrupts our potential. Together we will create a sustainable and simplified wellness plan that seeks to give you clarity of your biochemistry and restored health.
What is Methylation?
Methylation is a biochemical process which helps to regulate the expression of our genes.
The methylation cycle is a fundamental part of the body’s metabolism that is present in every cell creating cellular energy to power every system of your body. This process is self-regulating, carries out hundreds of functions in the body, has the ability to turn genes ON or OFF and this is all dependent on the nutritional and lifestyle choices we make every day.
Evaluating your genetics combined with your lifestyle presents a complete picture of your WholeHealth.
Your wellness plan is constructed to support your unique genetics as well as your overall health and lifestyle. Here are some of the important aspects that methylation is responsible for:
DNA Production + Repair
Energy + Mitochondria Functon
Immune Defense
Neurotransmitter Production
Gut + Digestive Balance
Methylation is an amazingly simple biochemical action that takes place in every cell of your body through communication between your internal and external environment.
What is MTHFR?
A Gene with an Important Job
MTHFR, (which is short for Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase), is a gene/enzyme that works in the methylation cycle as a catalyst for important biochemical reactions in your body. It is one of over 20,000 genes in the body, but considerably the most important one. It converts folate, (which comes from green leafy veggies and other foods) into methyl-folate which is essential for our methylation cycle to create and sustain life.
MTHFR has a direct effect on orchestrating the expression of every gene of every cell in our DNA. Pretty important! Variations (which are very common) of MTHFR can affect the way our bodies function physically and mentally. If you have one or more MTHFR gene variations, your enzyme is less able to do its job effectively. When your ability to methylate is decreased there is a greater potential for the variation to impact your overall well-being.
When we are able to take a comprehensive look at your genetics we are then able to modify and adjust your physiology to give you the ability to function optimally.
Ready To Optimize Your Potential?
Learn your genetic potential through Strategene®/Strategic Genetic Analysis. Dr. White incorporates Strategene® with your personal history, health goals, lab testing + lifestyle strategies to create a wellness plan individualized for you. Feel empowered and optimize your potential.
Create genetic potential
Support your uniqueness
Understanding your genetic predisposition allows vital information for your overall health. Dr. White will evaluate your StrateGene® analysis combined with your health history, functional evaluations, diet + environmental exposures and create a wellness plan detailing specific areas of focus for nutritional and lifestyle interventions. Your plan will be highly individualized; selecting nutrients, dietary modification + lifestyle recommendations specific to you.
Together With StrateGene® We Evaluate Your:
- Methylation Pathway
- Detoxification Capability
- Glutathione Efficiency
- Histamine Function
- Mitochondria + Energy Production
- Nutrients + Metabolism
- Cell Membrane Health + Liver Sufficiency
- Mood Issue Overview
- Nitric Oxide Balance
- Gut + Digestive Health
- Neurotransmitter Production + Elimination
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